My name is Riley Wolven and I am a freshman studying elementary education at North Carolina State University. In addition to receiving my degree in, Elementary Education, I also plan to receive a concentration in STEM as well as a certification in Special Education

I discovered my passion of education very early in high school as I took a course titled, Working with Children. In this class, I was assigned a preschool student to work with for an entire school year. I learned from my amazing teachers, how to create developmentally appropriate lesson plans, and skills important for educating young children. For my senior year of high school, I was fortunate enough to student teach with my own first grade teacher. From this experience, I gained competence in using technology such as the smart board in the class room as well as iPad applications such as OSMO, and 3D printing machines. I also learned how to create lesson plans that were in line with the New Jersey State Curriculum. Most importantly, I discovered my love for teaching and inspiring young learners. I absolutely loved my time in the classroom and cannot wait to continue to work with extraordinary students for the rest of my career.

The purpose of this blog is to monitor my progression throughout the spring semester of Introduction to Instructional Technology for Educators (ECI 201). I will be updating my progress regularly by uploading class material, projects I am currently working on as well as ideas spurred from lessons. I plan to incorporate other teachers ideas based on the tasks we perform in class. I hope that viewers will not only see what I am currently working on but my deeper analysis as well as what I am planning for my classroom in the future.